Q. 1 Determine the volume of the given cylinder using vernier calipers (take six readings for each dimension).
Q. 2. Find the volume of the given sphere using vernier calipers. (Take 6 observations)
Q. 3. Compare the radii of the given three wires using screw gauge (take 5 readings for each wire)
Q.4. Find the volume of the given rectangular glass plate using Vernier calipers and Screw gauge (Take at least 3 observations for each dimension)
Q. 5. Find the Volume of the given cylinder using vernier calipers and screw gauge (take 6 readings for each dimension).
Q. 6. Find the radius of curvature of the given curved surface and the thickness of the given glass plate using spherometer.
Q. 7. Find the thickness of the given glass plate using spherometer and verify the result with screw gauge.
Q. 8. Find the focal length of the given spherical mirror using spherometer (take 6 observations)
10. Find the acceleration due to gravity at your place using simple pendulum. Also find the percentage error in the measurement.
Q. 11. Find the acceleration due to gravity and the length of the seconds pendulum from l - T2 graph using simple pendulum.
Q. 12. Draw l-T2 graph in the case of a simple pendulum and find the length of the pendulum whose time period is 2 sec.
Q. 13. Verify the Parallelogram Law of Forces and find the weight of the given stone in air.
Q. 14. Verify the triangle law of forces and find the relative density of the given body.
Q. 15. Find the Volume of the given stone using Parallelogram Law of Forces.
Q.16. Find the Volume of the given stone using triangle law of forces.
Q. 17. Verify Boyle’s Law and draw p - l graph (take 8 observations).
Q. 18. Verify Boyle’s Law and plot h – 1/l graph (take 6 observations)
Q. 19. Plot h – 1/l graph and determine the atmospheric pressure from it (take 6 observations)
Q. 20. Determine the coefficient of apparent expansion of the given liquid using specific gravity bottle.
Q. 21. Find the coefficient of real expansion of the given liquid using specific gravity bottle (coefficient of linear expansion of glass = 0.000009/0C.
Q. 22. Find the specific heat of the given solid by the method of mixtures.
Q. 23. Determine the surface tension of water by capillary rise method.
Q.24. Determine the radius of the bore of the given capillary tube by capillary rise method. (Take S. T. of water as 72 dynes /cm).
Q. 25. Determine the focal length of the given concave mirror by u –v method. Verify the result from u - v graph.
Q. 26. Determine the focal length of the given concave mirror by u – v method, verify the value from 1/u – 1/v graph.
Q. 27. Determine the focal length of the given convex lens by u-v method. Verify the value from the u – v graph (take 8 observations).
Q. 29. Find the focal length of the given convex lens from u – v graph and verify the result with the value obtained from 1/u – 1/v graph.
Q. 30. Find the focal length of the given convex lens by conjugate foci method. (Take six observations).
Q. 31. Draw i – d curve and find the refractive index of the material of the given prism (Angle of prism = 600)
Q. 32. Draw i – d curve and determine the angle of the prism assuming the R.I of glass as 1.5.
Q. 34. Compare the frequencies of the two given tuning forks using resonance columns apparatus.
Q. 38. Verify inverse square law using Deflection Magnetometer. (Take four observations in each position).
Q. 40. Compare the magnetic moments of the two given short bar magnets in Tan B position by equal distance method and verify the result with the value obtained from null method. (Take two observations in each method).
Q. 45. Find the specific resistance of the given wire using
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