Friday, March 7, 2008



(First Year – Year-Wise Scheme)

Part III – Physical Sciences


Time : 3 Hours (English Version) Max.Marks: 60

Note :Read the following instructions carefully.

1) Answer ALL questions of Section-A. Answer any SIX questions from Section-B and any Two

Questions in Section-C.

2) In Section-A questions from Serial Nos. 1 to 10 are of “Very Short Answer type”. Each question

Carries Two marks. Every answer may be limited to 2 or 3sentences. Answer all these questions

At one place in the same order.

3) In Section-B questions from Serial Nos. 11 to 18 are of “Short Answer Type”. Every question

Carries Four marks. Every answer may be limited to 75 words.

4) In Section-C questions from Serial Nos. 19 to 21 of Long Answer Type”. Each question carries

Eight marks. Every answer may be limited to 300 words.

5) Draw labelled diagrams wherever necessary for questions in Section in Sections B and C


Answer ALL questions.

1. Calculate the wavelength of a particle having 10 mg. of mass and 4*105 Cm/sec.velocity?

2. Calculate the oxidation number of sulphur in H2SO4 and H2S2O8.

3. In XeO3 ‘Xe’ shows sp3 hybridisation but the shape is pyramidal.

4. Why Na+ is having more IP than Na.

5. The molecular weight of a unknown hydrocarbon gas is equal to the mass of 11.2 lit of O2 at STP.

Name the hydrocarbon.

6. What is the Co-ordination number of ionic crystal with limiting radius ration of o.732 to o.999.

7. What is hyperol? Give its formula.

8. What is ammonal and give its use?

9. Write any two effects of depletion of ozone layer.

10. Name two gases which are responsible for global warming.


Answer any SIX questions.

11. Define RMS velocity? If the RMS velocity of CO2 gas is 4.4*104 Cm/Sec. At a given temperature,

find the RMS velocity of ethane.

12. Explain Boyle’s and Charle’s laws basing on the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.

13. How hydrogen peroxide renovates the old spoiled oil painting. Explain it with relevant reaction.

14. Explain the stages with equations that are involved in the production of anhydrous magnesium

Chloride from carnallite.

15. What is allotropy? Explain the structure of anyone of the crystalline forms of carbon.

16. Balance the following ionic equation (redox reaction) in basic medium by ion-electron method.

17. Write the corresponding equations for the following reactions and name the products.

H2/Ni Br2/CCl4

C2H2 ---------------à A---------------à B


18.Explain with example positional and functional isomerisms.


Answer any TWO questions.

19.State the principles involved in writing the electronic configuration of atoms. Explain them with

Examples and necessary diagrams.

20.Explain the classification of elements into s,p,d,f blocks present in the periodic table.

21.Define hybridization of atomic orbitals? Explain the sp3 and sp2 hybridisations with respect to

ethane and ethylene molecule.

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