Friday, March 7, 2008


(First Year – Year-Wise Scheme)

Part III – Physical Sciences


Time: 3 Hours (English Version) Max.Marks: 60

Note: Read the following instructions carefully.

1) Answer ALL questions of Section-A. Answer any SIX questions from Section-B and any Two

Questions in Section-C.

2) In Section-A questions from Serial Nos. 1 to 10 are of “Very Short Answer type”. Each question

Carries Two marks. Every answer may be limited to 2 or 3sentences. Answer all these questions

At one place in the same order.

3) In Section-B questions from Serial Nos. 11 to 18 are of “Short Answer Type”. Every question

Carries four marks. Every answer may be limited to 75 words.

4) In Section-C questions from Serial Nos. 19 to 21 of “Long Answer Type”. Each question carries

Eight marks. Every answer may be limited to 300 words.

5) Draw labeled diagrams wherever necessary for questions in Section in Sections B and C


Note: Answer ALL questions.

1. Calculate the frequency of radiation with wavelength 3000 A0.

2. Name the most electronegative element and the element with highest electron affinity.

3. What type of bonds is present in NH4Cl?

4. What volume of CO2 is obtained at STP by heating 10 grams of CaCO3?

5. Write any two uses of H2O2.

6. What are a) Plaster of Paris and b) black ash?

7. How is nitrobenzene prepared from benzene? Write equation.

8. Write the names of the products A and B formed in the following reaction

Polymerization CH3Cl

C2H2 ----------------------à A ----------------------------à B

Anhydrous AlCl3

9. What happens when fluorides are present in water?

10. Define Receptor. Give an example.


Note: Answer any SIX questions

11. Deduce an expression for Kinetic energy of gas from kinetic gas equation.

Calculate the kinetic energy of 2 moles of an ideal gas in calories at 270C.

12. Balance the following redox reaction by ion-electron method in acidic medium.

Cr2O7 -2 + NO2- -----------à Cr+3 + NO3-

13. Among the noble gases xenon alone from compounds-Explain.

14. Write any four oxidizing properties of hydrogen peroxide.

15. Write any two methods for the preparation of ethylene. How does it react with the following.

Give equations.

a) O3 b) HOCl

16. Explain the structure of diborane.

17. Write important postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gases.

18. How is water gas prepared? Mention its uses.


Note: Answer any TWO questions

19. State the important postulates of Bohr’s theory. Based on the postulates, explain thfe formation of

Different lines in various series of hydrogen atomic spectrum. Draw neat sketches to support your


20. Define ionization potential. Why the second I.P. is is greater than first I.P.? Explain any four factors

Which influence the ionization potential?

21. Explain the following:

a) Valance shell electron pair repulsion theory.

b) Hydrogen bonding.

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